Armin Tehrani / Five Quick Questions

Armin Tehrani / Five Quick Questions

1. What's on your current playlist?

I haven’t been excited about anything new lately but listening back to Velvet Underground. That’s on my forever playlist.

2. Something about you that people would be surprised to know?

I wrote a screenplay. Only three people have read it! Someday I hope to make a film.

3. A recent purchase that you really enjoy?

Not sure if this counts as a purchase, but I just paid for my Contax G2, which I haven’t used in over a year, to be to fixed. Very excited to travel with it.

4. What habit are you trying to implement or get rid of at the moment?

Trying to learn about the philosophy of Stoicism and staying in control of my emotions in negative situations.

5. A book that changed you?

10% Happier by Dan Harris.

Five Quick Questions is a short feature which complements the in-depth episode with guests from the Creative Voyage Podcast, providing inspiring content which is not related to the interview.

Click here to listen to the podcast episode with Armin Tehrani

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