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Carl Emil S. Bregnhøi / Five Quick Questions

1. What's on your current playlist?

I’m currently listening to a playlist I call “Porno Jazz,” which is a small collection of Brazilian jazz and bossa nova from Elis Regina, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Joao Gilberto, and the likes, with songs such as Águas de Março. As cheesy and beautiful as it can get. I get right into the mood of a smoky bar outside the favela, sharing large beers in small plastic cups, chain-smoking.

2. Something about you that people would be surprised to know?

I’m really unorganized and messy but pretend I’m not. I have a feeling that people around me know this, though.

3. A recent purchase that you really enjoy?

My red Italian vintage Piaggio Ciao 49 cc air-cooled two-stroke Velocípede. It’s my first motorized vehicle since I haven’t yet been successful in acquiring a driver’s license. My favorite parts are embarrassingly enough all the accessories I felt necessary to get: from proper knitted driver’s gloves to the old-school egg-shell helmet. Now I rarely leave home without it, driving around town at up to 35 km/h for meetings, or with natural wine and freshly roasted coffee strapped onto the front and back. You can easily smoke while driving it, which is a huge plus as well.

4. What habit are you trying to implement or get rid of at the moment?


5. A book that changed you?

The Danish translation of The Castle by Franz Kafka. I read it quite young and got so confused by it that I had to reread it right away. Kind of like the first time you taste Natural Wine – you’re like “this is weird and I don’t get it … Let me have another glass”. In the end, the book made me fall in love with bureaucracy.

Five Quick Questions is a short feature which complements the in-depth episode with guests from the Creative Voyage Podcast, providing inspiring content which is not related to the interview.

Click here to listen to the podcast episode with Carl Emil S. Bregnhøi